Vil du gense ‘Flowers for Pollinators’?

Kilde: La Humla Suse

Materiale fra det fællesnordiske webinar ‘Flowers for Pollinators’, afholdt den 11. november, er nu kommet online. Vi har afmærket starttidspunkterne for de forskellige oplæg inde i den lange Youtube-video, og linker til dem enkeltvis. Klik bare på ‘Recording’ i de relevante afsnit længere nede.

Webinaret, der bød på oplægsholdere fra Norge, Sverige, Estland og Danmark, foregik på engelsk af hensyn til det internationale publikum.

Presentations from the Nordic webinar on Flowers for Pollinators

Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - introduction Introduction to webinar by Eirin Bruholt, La Humla Suse, Norway.
→  Recording
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Anne Erland Eskildsen Danish farmers’ action for wild bees by Anne Erland Eskildsen, SEGES, Denmark.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - film ‘From Famland to Wild Pasture’ – a film about pollinator initiatives on a Danish farm with introduction by Jan Sepstrup, Vilde Bier i Danmark, Denmark.
→  Recording
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Yoko L. Dupont Bees and flowers in road verges by Yoko Luise Dupont, Aarhus University, Denmark.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Sandra Lindström Competition between honeybees and wild bees – effects, knowledge gaps and possible interventions by Sandra Lindström, Swedish Board of Agriculture, Sweden.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Mart Meriste Estonian production of native seeds by Mart Meriste, OÜ Nordic Botanical, Estonia.
→  Recording
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Natuschka Lee Pollen hunting by Natuschka Lee, Umeå University, Sweden.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Ellen Svalheim Collecting seeds for flower meadows by Ellen Svalheim, NIBIO, Norway.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Anders Nielsen Sub-lethal effects of neonicotinoids under different climate conditions by Anders Nielsen, NIBIO, Norway.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - Markus Sydenham Wild bee flower preferences and their implications for bee consevation by Markus Sydenham, NINA, Norway.
→  Recording and presentation
Nordic webinar 'Flowers for Pollinators' - final remarks Final remarks on good flowers for pollinators by Eirin Bruholt, La Humla Suse, Norway.
→  Recording

Kilde: La Humla Suse




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Siden oprettet den 15. december 2021

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