Materiale fra det nordiske webinar om bestøvere er nu online

Kilde: La Humla Suse

Materiale fra den nordiske konference “Promoting Pollinators”, afholdt digitalt via Zoom torsdag den 12. november, er nu kommet online.

Arrangørerne valgte at stille både video­optagelsen fra webinaret, pdf-filerne af præsentationer og resuméerne for samtlige oplæg til rådighed for alle interesserede.

For at gøre det nemmere for vores læsere, har vi afmærket starttidspunkterne for de forskellige oplæg inde i den lange Youtube-video, og linker direkte til oplæggerne. Klik på ‘recording’ i de relevante afsnit længere nede.

Webinaret bød på oplægsholdere fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland og Estland og blev fulgt live af over 200 deltagere fra en række lande. Af hensyn til det internationale publikum blev webinaret afholdt på engelsk.

Presentations and recordings from the Nordic webinar on pollinators

Promoting pollinators, webinar 12th November 2020 Introduction of the project and network by Eirin Bruholt, La Humla Suse, Norway.
→  Summary
Presentation by Eirin Bruholt, Norway State, trends and measures for pollinators in Norway by Eirin Bruholt, La Humla Suse, Norway.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Lotta Fabricius, Sweden State, trends and measures for pollinators in Sweden by Lotta Fabricius, Pollinera Sverige.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Jørgen Pedersen, Denmark State, trends and measures for pollinators in Denmark by Jørgen Pedersen, Vilde bier i Danmark.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Juho Paukunnen, Finland State, trends and measures for pollinators in Finland by Juho Paukkunen, University of Helsinki.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Mattias Hammarsted, Sweden Skåne is blossoming A collaborative project for happier Pollinators by Mattias Hammerstedt, HIR Skåne, Sweden.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Eneli Viik, Estonia State, trends and measures for pollinators in Estonia by Eneli Viik, Agricultural Research Centre, Estonia.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Guri Tveito, Norway The work behind the Norwegian pollinator strategy by Guri Tveito, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Johan Rydlov, Sweden Species rich infrastructure and pollinators possibilities and difficulties by Johan Rydlov, Road services, Sweden.
→  Summary
Presentation by Yoko Luise Dupont, Denmark Flower strips in Danish farmland: potentials to enhance the value for Bees by Yoko Luise Dupont, Aarhus University, Denmark.
→  Summary
Presentation by Janne Heliola, Finland Monitoring bumblebees as a citizen science project in Finland by Janne Heliölä, Finnish Environment Institute.
→  Summary, recording and presentation
Presentation by Jostein Svalheim, Norway A farmer’s experience on flowering zones by Jostein Svalheim, Norwey.
→  Summary and recording




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Siden oprettet den 21. november 2020

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